This quickstart illustrates a series of tasks that support the topics in . These tasks are designed to help you become familiar with the ADO.NET Entity Framework.
What You Will Learn/你将要学到的/本节目标
The first task in this quickstart shows you how to create the School database, and then use Visual Studio tools to generate mapping files for an Entity Data Model (EDM), based on a 1:1 mapping to tables in the database. In subsequent tasks, you will create a Windows Forms application in Visual Studio, create queries that access data in the School model, and bind the query results to display controls to show the results of the queries.
本快速开始的第一个任务向你展示了如何创建一个学校数据库,然后使用Visual Studio 工具来生成一个实体数据模型(EDM)的映射文件,这是一个与数据库中的表一对一关系的映射。后续的任务中,你将使用Visual Studio创建一个Windows窗体应用程序,创建若干查询以访问学校构架里的数据,并且将查询结果绑定到显示控件从而在界面上显示查询结果。
This quickstart is intended for users who are familiar with Visual Studio development and the .NET Framework, but who are new to the Entity Framework. To complete the quickstart, you must have the following software installed:
本快速入门假设使用者熟悉Visual Studio开发环境以及.NET框架,并刚刚开始接触实体框架。为了完成所有的快速入门,你必须安装以下软件:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008。目前版本Bata2。
- 综合下载地址
- 其中Express版、Standard版、Professional版都没有中文版,下载文件大小约700M以下
- Team Suite版有简体中文版,但下载文件约3.5G
- 以上下载都需要微软Live ID帐号。
- 还有单独的MSDN可下载,没有中文版,约1.9G
- The ADO.NET Entity Framework runtime and tools. You can download the ADO.NET Entity Framework runtime and tools from the .
- ADO.NET实体框架运行时组件和工具。你可以在下在ADO.NET实体框架运行时组件和工具。
- 工具的安装会扩展Visual Studio 2008 的相关功能。
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or later with Database Services installed, or SQL Server 2005 Express Edition or later (SQL Server Express).
- SQL Server 2005及更高版本,或SQL Server 2005 Express及更高版本
- SQL Server 2005 Epress 基本版
Estimated time to complete this tutorial: 30 minutes.
Entity Framework Quickstart Tasks/实体框架快速入门任务
Create the School database schema and load data into the database.
Create a Windows Forms application to access data in the School model.
- Generating the School Entity Data Model/生成学校实体数据末模型
Use Visual Studio tools to generate an EDM based on the School database.
使用Visual Studio 工具来生成一个基于学校数据库的EDM文件
- Querying Entities and Associations/查询实体和关系
Create queries against the entities and associations in the School model, and bind controls to the results of those queries.
Next Steps/下一步
See Also/请参考
Entity Data Model/实体数据模型Other Resources/其它资源